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9. Brouwer I.A., van D.M., Thomas C.M., van der Put N.M., Gaytant M.A., Eskes T.K., Hautvast J.G., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2000). Homocysteine metabolism and effects of folic acid supplementation in patients affected with spina bifida. Neuropediatrics 31: 298-302.
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12. Hol F.A., van der Put N.M., Geurds M.P., Heil S.G., Trijbels F.J., Hamel B.C., Mariman E.C., and Blom H.J. (1998). Molecular genetic analysis of the gene encoding the trifunctional enzyme MTHFD (methylenetetrahydrofolate-dehydrogenase, methenyltetrahydrofolate-cyclohydrolase, formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase) in patients with neural tube defects. Clin. Genet 53: 119-125.
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3. Brouwer I.A., van D.M., Thomas C.M.G., Duran M., Hautvast J.G.A.J., Eskes T.K.A.B., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2000). Low-Dose folic acid supplementation decreases plasma homocysteine concentrations: a randomised trial. Indian Heart J 52: S53-S58.
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6. Brouwer I.A., Van Dusseldorp M., Duran M., Thomas C.M.G., Hautvast J.G.A.J., Eskes T.K.A.B., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P.M. (1999). Low-dose folic acid supplementation does not influence plasma methionine concentrations in young non-pregnant women. Br. J. Nutr. 82: 85-89.
7. Brouwer I.A., Van Dusseldorp M., West C.E., Meyboom S., Thomas C.M.G., Duran M., Hof K.H.V., Eskes T.K.A.B., Hautvast J.G.A.J., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P.M. (1999). Dietary folate from vegetables and citrus fruit decreases plasma homocysteine concentrations in humans in a dietary controlled trial. J. Nutr. 129: 1135-1139.
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9. de B.A., van D.M., Brouwer I.A., van het Hof K.H., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (1997). Folate intake in Europe: recommended, actual and desired intake. Eur. J Clin. Nutr. 51: 643-660.
1. Nelen W.L., Van der Molen E.F., Blom H.J., Heil S.G., Steegers E.A., and Eskes T.K. (1997). Recurrent early pregnancy loss and genetic-related disturbances in folate and homocysteine metabolism. Br. J Hosp. Med. 58: 511-513.
2. Van der Put N.M.J., Van der Molen E.F., Kluijtmans L.A.J., Heil S.G., Trijbels J.M.F., Eskes T.K.A.B., Van Oppenraaij-Emmerzaal D., Banerjee R., and Blom H.J. (1997). Sequence analysis of the coding region of human methionine synthase: Relevance to hyperhomocysteinaemia in neural- tube defects and vascular disease. Q. J. Med. 90: 511-517.
3. Van der Molen E.F., Van den Heuvel L.P.W.J., Te Poele Pothoff M.T.W.B., Monnens L.A.H., Eskes T.K.A.B., and Blom H.J. (1996). The effect of folic acid on the homocysteine metabolism in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 26: 304-309.
1. Groenen P.M., Roes E.M., Peer P.G., Merkus H.M., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2006). Myo-inositol, glucose and zinc concentrations determined in the preconceptional period, during and after pregnancy. Eur. J Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 127: 50-55.
2. Groenen P.M., Klootwijk R., Schijvenaars M.M., Straatman H., Mariman E.C., Franke B., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2004). Spina bifida and genetic factors related to myo-inositol, glucose, and zinc. Mol. Genet. Metab 82: 154-161.
3. Klootwijk R., Groenen P., Schijvenaars M., Hol F., Hamel B., Straatman H., Steegers-Theunissen R., Mariman E., and Franke B. (2004). Genetic variants in ZIC1, ZIC2, and ZIC3 are not major risk factors for neural tube defects in humans. Am. J. Med. Genet. 124A: 40-47.
4. Groenen P.M.W., Engelke U.F., Wevers R.A., Hendriks J.C.M., Eskes T.K.A.B., Merkus H.M.W.M., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P.M. (2004). High-resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy of amniotic fluids from spina bifida fetuses and controls. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 112: 16-23.
5. Groenen P.M.W., Van Rooij I.A.L.M., Peer P.G.M., Ocké M.C., Zielhuis G.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P.M. (2004). Low maternal dietary intakes of iron, magnesium, and niacin are associated with spina bifida in the offspring. J. Nutr. 134: 1516-1522.
6. Groenen P.M.W., Van Rooij I.A.L.M., Peer P.G.M., Gooskens R.H., Zielhuis G.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P.M. (2004). Marginal maternal vitamin B12 status increases the risk of offspring with spina bifida. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 191: 11-17.
7. Groenen P.M., Peer P.G., Wevers R.A., Swinkels D.W., Franke B., Mariman E.C., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2003). Maternal myo-inositol, glucose, and zinc status is associated with the risk of offspring with spina bifida. Am. J Obstet. Gynecol. 189: 1713-1719.
8. Groenen P.M., Merkus H.M., Sweep F.C., Wevers R.A., Janssen F.S., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2003). Kinetics of myo-inositol loading in women of reproductive age. Ann. Clin. Biochem. 40: 79-85.
9. Groenen P.M.W., Wevers R.A., Janssen F.S.M., Tuerlings J.H.A.M., Merkus J.M.W.M., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P.M. (2003). Are myo-inositol, glucose and zinc concentrations in amniotic fluid of fetuses with spina bifida different from controls? Early Hum. Dev. 71: 1-8.
10. Klootwijk R., Hol F.A., Wu M., Willemen J.J.H.T., Groenen P., Hamel B., Straatman H., Steegers-Theunissen R.P.M., Mariman E.C.M., and Franke B. (2003). Genetic variation analysis of MLP, TFAP2A, and CSK in patients with neural tube defects – art. no. e43. J. Med. Genet. 40: NIL50-NIL55.
11. Beemster P., Groenen P., and Steegers-Theunissen R. (2002). Involvement of inositol in reproduction. Nutr. Rev. 60: 80-87.
12. Van Rooij I.A.L.M., Groenen P.M.W., Van Drongelen M., Te Morsche R.H.M., Peters W.H.M., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P.M. (2002). Orofacial clefts and spina bifida: N-acetyltransferase phenotype, maternal smoking, and medication use. Teratology. 66: 260-266.
1. Bliek B.J., Guzel C., de K.A., Stingl C., Luider T.M., Lindemans J., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2012). Peptide fingerprinting of folate-responsive proteins in human B lymphoblasts and orofacial clefting. J Clin. Invest 42: 738-750.
2. Bliek B.J., Steegers-Theunissen R.P., Douben H., Lindemans J., Steegers E.A., and de K.A. (2012). Comparable levels of folate-induced aneusomy in B-lymphoblasts from oral-cleft patients and controls. Res. 741: 76-80.
3. Bliek B.J., van Schaik R.H., van der Heiden I.P., Sayed-Tabatabaei F.A., Van Duijn C.M., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2009). Maternal medication use, carriership of the ABCB1 3435C > T polymorphism and the risk of a child with cleft lip with or without cleft palate. J Med. Genet. A 149A: 2088-2092.
4. Bliek B.J., Steegers-Theunissen R.P., Blok L.J., Santegoets L.A., Lindemans J., Oostra B.A., Steegers E.A., and de K.A. (2008). Genome-wide pathway analysis of folate-responsive genes to unravel the pathogenesis of orofacial clefting in man. Birth Defects Res. A Clin. Mol. Teratol. 82: 627-635.
5. Bliek J.B., Rothenberg S.P., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2006). Maternal folate receptor autoantibodies and cleft lip and/or palate. J Gynaecol. Obstet. 93: 142-143.
6. Bliek J.B., de K.A., Luider T.M., Lindemans J., Hulsman L., Guzel C., de Groot C.J., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2004). New approach for the identification of folate-related pathways in human embryogenesis. Cell Mol. Biol. (Noisy. -le-grand) 50: 939-944.
1. Smedts H.P., de J.L., Bandola S.J., Baardman M.E., Bakker M.K., Stricker B.H., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2014). Early pregnancy exposure to antihistamines and risk of congenital heart defects: results of two case-control studies. J Epidemiol. 29: 653-661.
2. Smedts H.P., van Uitert E.M., Valkenburg O., Laven J.S., Eijkemans M.J., Lindemans J., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2012). A derangement of the maternal lipid profile is associated with an elevated risk of congenital heart disease in the offspring. Metab Cardiovasc. Dis. 22: 477-485.
3. Smedts H.P., Isaacs A., de C.D., Uitterlinden A.G., Van Duijn C.M., Gittenberger-de Groot A.C., Helbing W.A., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2010). VEGF polymorphisms are associated with endocardial cushion defects: a family-based case-control study. Res. 67: 23-28.
4. Smedts H.P., de Vries J.H., Rakhshandehroo M., Wildhagen M.F., Verkleij-Hagoort A.C., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2009). High maternal vitamin E intake by diet or supplements is associated with congenital heart defects in the offspring. 116: 416-423.
5. Smedts H.P., Rakhshandehroo M., Verkleij-Hagoort A.C., de Vries J.H., Ottenkamp J., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2008). Maternal intake of fat, riboflavin and nicotinamide and the risk of having offspring with congenital heart defects. J Nutr. 47: 357-365.
6. van Driel L.M., Smedts H.P., Helbing W.A., Isaacs A., Lindemans J., Uitterlinden A.G., Van Duijn C.M., de Vries J.H., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2008). Eight-fold increased risk for congenital heart defects in children carrying the nicotinamide N-methyltransferase polymorphism and exposed to medicines and low nicotinamide. Heart J 29: 1424-1431.
1. van Driel L.M., Eijkemans M.J., de J.R., de Vries J.H., van Meurs J.B., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2009). Body mass index is an important determinant of methylation biomarkers in women of reproductive ages. Nutr. 139: 2315-2321.
2. van Driel L.M., de J.R., Helbing W.A., van Zelst B.D., Ottenkamp J., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2008). Maternal global methylation status and risk of congenital heart diseases. Gynecol. 112: 277-283.
3. van Driel L.M., Verkleij-Hagoort A.C., de J.R., Uitterlinden A.G., Steegers E.A., Van Duijn C.M., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2008). Two MTHFR polymorphisms, maternal B-vitamin intake, and CHDs. Birth Defects Res. A Clin. Mol. Teratol. 82: 474-481.
4. van Driel L.M., Smedts H.P., Helbing W.A., Isaacs A., Lindemans J., Uitterlinden A.G., Van Duijn C.M., de Vries J.H., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2008). Eight-fold increased risk for congenital heart defects in children carrying the nicotinamide N-methyltransferase polymorphism and exposed to medicines and low nicotinamide. Heart J 29: 1424-1431.
5. Verkleij-Hagoort A.C., van Driel L.M., Lindemans J., Isaacs A., Steegers E.A., Helbing W.A., Uitterlinden A.G., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2008). Genetic and lifestyle factors related to the periconception vitamin B12 status and congenital heart defects: a Dutch case-control study. Genet. Metab 94: 112-119.
1. Wijnands K.P., Obermann-Borst S.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2015). Early life lipid profile and metabolic programming in very young children. Metab Cardiovasc. Dis. 25: 608-614.
2. Wijnands K.P., Obermann-Borst S.A., Sijbrands E.J., Wildhagen M.F., Helbing W.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2014). Cardiovascular diseases in grandparents and the risk of congenital heart diseases in grandchildren. J Dev. Orig. Health Dis. 5: 152-158.
3. Obermann-Borst S.A., Eilers P.H., Tobi E.W., de Jong F.H., Slagboom P.E., Heijmans B.T., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2013). Duration of breastfeeding and gender are associated with methylation of the LEPTIN gene in very young children. Res 74: 344-349.
4. Obermann-Borst S.A., Heijmans B.T., Eilers P.H., Tobi E.W., Steegers E.A., Slagboom P.E., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2012). Periconception maternal smoking and low education are associated with methylation of INSIGF in children at the age of 17 months. J Dev. Orig. Health Dis. 3: 315-320.
5. Snijder C.A., Vlot I.J., Burdorf A., Obermann-Borst S.A., Helbing W.A., Wildhagen M.F., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2012). Congenital heart defects and parental occupational exposure to chemicals. Reprod. 27: 1510-1517.
6. Obermann-Borst S.A., Vujkovic M., de Vries J.H., Wildhagen M.F., Looman C.W., de J.R., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2011). A maternal dietary pattern characterised by fish and seafood in association with the risk of congenital heart defects in the offspring. 118: 1205-1215.
7. Obermann-Borst S.A., van Driel L.M., Helbing W.A., de J.R., Wildhagen M.F., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2011). Congenital heart defects and biomarkers of methylation in children: a case-control study. J Clin. Invest 41: 143-150.
8. Obermann-Borst S.A., Isaacs A., Younes Z., van Schaik R.H., van der Heiden I.P., van Duyn C.M., Steegers E.A., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2011). General maternal medication use, folic acid, the MDR1 C3435T polymorphism, and the risk of a child with a congenital heart defect. Am J Obstet. Gynecol. 204: 236-238.
9. Steegers-Theunissen R.P., Obermann-Borst S.A., Kremer D., Lindemans J., Siebel C., Steegers E.A., Slagboom P.E., and Heijmans B.T. (2009). Periconceptional maternal folic acid use of 400 microg per day is related to increased methylation of the IGF2 gene in the very young child. One 4: e7845.
1. Bouwland-Both M.I., van Mil N.H., Tolhoek C.P., Stolk L., Eilers P.H., Verbiest M.M., Heijmans B.T., Uitterlinden A.G., Hofman A., van Ijzendoorn M.H., Duijts L., de Jongste J.C., Tiemeier H., Steegers E.A., Jaddoe V.W., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2015). Prenatal parental tobacco smoking, gene specific DNA methylation, and newborns size: the Generation R study . Epigenetics 7: 83.
2. Bergen N.E., Bouwland-Both M.I., Steegers-Theunissen R.P., Hofman A., Russcher H., Lindemans J., Jaddoe V.W., and Steegers E.A. (2015). Early pregnancy maternal and fetal angiogenic factors and fetal and childhood growth: the Generation R Study. Reprod. 30: 1302-1313.
3. van Mil N.H., Bouwland-Both M.I., Stolk L., Verbiest M.M., Hofman A., Jaddoe V.W., Verhulst F.C., Eilers P.H., Uitterlinden A.G., Steegers E.A., Tiemeier H., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2014). Determinants of maternal pregnancy one-carbon metabolism and newborn human DNA methylation profiles. 148: 581-592.
4. van Mil N.H., Steegers-Theunissen R.P., Bouwland-Both M.I., Verbiest M.M., Rijlaarsdam J., Hofman A., Steegers E.A., Heijmans B.T., Jaddoe V.W., Verhulst F.C., Stolk L., Eilers P.H., Uitterlinden A.G., and Tiemeier H. (2014). DNA methylation profiles at birth and child ADHD symptoms. J Psychiatr. Res 49: 51-59.
5. Bouwland-Both M.I., Steegers E.A., Lindemans J., Russcher H., Hofman A., Geurts-Moespot A.J., Sweep F.C., Jaddoe V.W., and Steegers-Theunissen R.P. (2013). Maternal soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1, placental growth factor, plasminogen activator inhibitor-2, and folate concentrations and early fetal size: the Generation R study. Am J Obstet. Gynecol. 209: 121-11.
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