The purpose of the Spina Bifida Foundation is to finance fundamental research into the causes and prevention of neural tube defects (NTDs). Spina Bifida is a severe birth defect, classified as an NTD, that is permanently disabling and affects about 1 to 2 in every 1,000 births. The Foundation distributes about EUR 120’000 per year.
Proposals are carefully evaluated for their relevance and benefit to the Spina Bifida field, as well as for cost-effectiveness. Project criteria include:
Research can contribute to saving lives provided it delivers a sound and reliable
scientific evidence base. International standards must be adhered to in all research funded by the Foundation.
The Foundation’s Board will assess the cost-effectiveness of every application for funding. Grants of smaller monetary value and limited duration will be considered if they have the potential to lead to relevant further research (Seed Awards). A modest grant can make a significant difference in developing evidence base research in certain parts of the world where there may have been little previous research into spina bifida. Larger grants (e.g. PhD scholarship for three to four years) will be awarded when there is a high probability of the project contributing significant progress to Spina Bifida research.
The foundation’s current capital is approximately EUR 4 million and it distributes about EUR 120’000 per year.
The Foundation Board evaluates the outcome of all the grants awarded, and maintains written records of grant achievements and their contribution to the Spina Bifida field. The grant awardee will report annually to the Board on the progress of the funded project.
A final report will be presented to the Board once the grant is finished. This report will be completed using a standard template, to ensure that all necessary information is collected.
Specific outputs of the research must be submitted to the Foundation, including peer-reviewed publication(s), PhD theses, or manuscript drafts that have not yet been published. Where applicable, the student/scientist who conducts the financed research will make a short presentation at a Board meeting, towards the end of the grant period.
The final decision on whether to award a grant is taken at the Board’s full discretion.
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